
KISS - Keep It Super Simple Crafts

10/02/2013 10:34
Keep It Supper Simple Crafts - Every Saturday October 9:30 - 11:00 am

Vacation Bible School

04/05/2013 10:08
VBS has been set for June 24-27, 2013.  We are in need of a director and volunteers.  We will be doing Veggie Tales.  If anyone is interested in helping, please see Pastor Han, Sandi Stover or contatct the office.

Coffee, Tea & Talk

01/07/2013 10:08
Join us Sunday mornings at 9am for Coffee, Tea & Talk in the Disciples Den.  Come as you are, no preparation...just coffee, tea and conversation.

2013 Church Calendar

11/12/2012 09:07
There is a wall calendar on the bulletin board located just outside the sanctuary.  If you have an event that is not on the calendar, please submit the date to the office rather than write on the calendar.  There is also information there about using the church and items that belong to...
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